The Dashboard

The Dashboard is the main screen that appears when you log in to the Sokin portal. In the Dashboard header you will see:


  • Corporate Name
  • Corporate ID 
  • Settings (gear icon)
  • Message Notifications
  • User ID 
  • Log out option

Various tabs will be visible depending on your User Role. You can view all Standard and Premium Wallets available to you, along with the account details, balances, and recent transactions within a specific wallet. 

Multiple Corporate Access 

If the same User ID has been created for multiple corporate accounts, you can switch between the accounts by clicking the drop-down next to the Corporate Name and Corporate ID and selecting the account you would like to access.  


The settings visible will depend on the level of access you have. Select the gear icon to view the following settings:

  • Email Settings - View a user's email notification options.
  • API Service Configuration - View and copy API details. 
  • General Settings - View your corporate Information, user Information and change your password.


Any updates sent from Sokin will be visible in your messages. You will receive an email notification informing you to log into the portal to view the message. Click the envelope icon to view all messages. You can arrange messages by date range or title by clicking the red funnel once your filters are selected. 

You cannot send messages via the portal.

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